The Brudenells of Huntingdon

Index of Names: A B D F S

Bowden, Margaret (1951 - )
Brudenell, Ann (1851 - )
Brudenell, Anne (1882 - )
Brudenell, Arthur (1916 - )
Brudenell, David (1940 - )
Brudenell, Elizabeth (1890 - )
Brudenell, Elizabeth (1855 - )
Brudenell, Ellen (1878 - )
Brudenell, Emily (1895 - )
Brudenell, Frederick (1892 - )
Brudenell, Hannah (1858 - )
Brudenell, James ( - )
Brudenell, Job (1817 - )
Brudenell, Job (1853 - )
Brudenell, Keith (1949 - )
Brudenell, Mary (1862 - )
Brudenell, Polly (1884 - )
Brudenell, Raymond (1921 - )
Brudenell, Richard ( - )
Brudenell, Stan (1913 - )
Brudenell, Walter (1880 - )
Brudenell, William (1886 - )
Brudenell, William (1860 - )

If you have any information or connections to the above individuals, please let me know. Thank you.

Web page built by Cumberland Family Tree, 5 Dec 2007